How to Successfully Implement Change in Your Business & Life..the same rules apply!

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Something that I’ve observed in common amongst small businesses, large businesses, and solopreneurs alike, is often their resistance to change.

They know that their business isn’t running as efficiently as it should. On an individual level, they know that there are powerful habits that if they were to successfully implement, that their lives would level up. They know that they’ve been doing things one way for…well….forever, but refuse to change.

The commonality isn’t in the knowledge that change is needed - the similarity lies in the fact that they struggle to change.

Leaving the shores of the comfort zone is daunting…..whether it’s on a massive business scale, or on a personal level…clammy palms, shallow breathing, and sweaty foreheads happen at the board room, or at the kitchen table.

Before we get to the HOW, let’s dive into the WHY persons resist change - in their business and lives.

Firstly, the risks seem high. The chance of loss, the discomfort of the shakeup - change is resisted because whatever was being done before…is “just the way it’s been” for as long as they can remember.

It’s always been this way…& hard to step away from the comfort zones

Customer Service Policies, Invoicing methods, a certain flow of marketing, or lack thereof, is just how it’s been done since the dawn of the business. Some businesses get by purely on luck, or as in the case of many businesses in Trinidad and Tobago, benefited from the fact that there was once a booming economy - high disposable incomes - massive spending budgets allowed for businesses to grow, without much effort.

On a personal level, many have developed habits that just exist. It’s just that….a habit. Nothing of major value, it’s just the routine of how the day flows.

Why do you need to change?

Businesses whether run by solopreneurs or entrepreneurs, need to adapt in order to respond to the environment in which they exist. I like to address the need for both business change and personal change in the same breath, because the change within individuals, almost always dovetails into transformations in a business.

Suppliers change, economic stability changes, demand fluctuates, consumers learn more, technology changes, global pandemics happen….all of these impact customer behavior, prices, the product offering - change is the only constant.

On a personal level - you KNOW you only get away without exercise for so long. You’re well aware, you need to cut some friendships in order to protect your peace of mind. The change will improve your mental state of mind, the quality of relationships improving will protect you from unwanted stress.

how do you implement change successfully?

Whether on your personal journey or within your business, here are a few proven methods that can make change not only possible but less uncomfortable.

  1. Start with small steps.

Set your feet within the present - and focus on what needs to change in your immediate present. Don’t focus on how far ahead you have to go, or how big the changes need to be. List two or three things that you can control in the immediate present to change, and start there. Trust the process, that the next steps will become clearer as you go along.

2. Start NOW

Waiting for perfection gives procrastination life. Didn’t start your diet this Monday? Start on Tuesday - don’t wait for next Monday. Think you need a degree in content creation before you step online? No way - start now - and watch bits fall into place!

3. Don’t wait for a crisis.

Crisis mode may give you an adrenaline rush, but it really only leads to regret, poor decisions, and expensive mistakes. Make a list of the key pillars that your business runs on - and anything that threatens these should have a backup plan. If for example, your business is dependant on a brick and mortar location - develop a backup plan that you can sell via - such as a website.

Think you are prone to diabetes? Get your insurance coverage up to date with the minimum payment needed.

Crisis mode doesn’t serve you - and you’d be glad you were proactive.

4. Don’t change too much too fast.

When you do get into change momentum, it’s easy to let the pace run wild and if you’re not careful you may want to fast track - thread carefully, because you don’t want to hit your cash flow before your changes have had a chance to bring you in additional revenue. Pace yourself.

In the same way, with personal changes - bite off what you can chew - make changes slowly and consistently - you’re more likely to stick to the adjustments you’re making.

5. Be willing to change.

Embracing change is dependant on an attitude of willingness - embracing that it will be uncomfortable - it will involve letting some things go, and accepting new methods of doing. Willingness is by far, more important than wanting to change. Wanting change activates the roots in your brain, and you’re more likely to resist it. Willingness, however, pulls at your self-motivation and activates thoughts that are constructive and resilient to the process.

I hope these simple steps, help you to make the changes you know you need to, to bring your business and yourself to their best potential!
